Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Don't Want to Gain the WHOLE WORLD and LOSE MY SOUL!

There is a song by Toby Mac, entitled, "Lose My Soul" It uses the Scripture found in Mark 8: 36
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I have found such strength and joy in listening to KLOVE radio. The music is WONDERFUL! They play worship hymns, praising the LORD! There are no inappropriate lyrics, no embarrassing themes. I am uplifted and encouraged as I sing along with those who have chosen to use their talents to sing of the things of eternity, of goodness, of our Savior and Our Heavenly Father. Here are artists of great talent, using their talents to lead others to Christ.

As for me, I have no chance of gaining much that this world has to offer, materialistically speaking. Therefore I am not tempted to trade my soul for the things of this world. BUT these men and women COULD use their talents far differently and could actually choose the world over the things of eternity! SO, I am in awe of them. I would hope that were I ever faced with that decision, I too, would chose to shun the world and NOT lose my soul for the things that do not last, do not bring lasting joy or peace!

As I thought of this very theme, making choices that matter, I decided to view the movie on DVD, entitled Valkyrie. I felt it an appropriate time to view, seeing that the anniversary of D-DAY is just days away.....June 6, 1944. Although the events depicted in the movie are not related to D-Day specifically, it is all about World War II.

It is the true story of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, the master-mind behind the last attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Colonel Stauffenberg exhibits such profound courage and strength. HE does NOT want to gain the world and lose HIS soul! HE does NOT want his children to be the victims of the dishonor that Hitler's actions have placed upon all of Germany. No, he is willing to sacrifice his life, in order to save his family, their honor and to return Germany to the people who are honorable and decent. And, in the end, he does sacrifice his life. BUT, as history records, it is NOT in vain that he does give his life for that cause. He and those who worked with him, do NOT bear the burden of shame and dishonor that those who supported and assisted Hitler do!

It would seem nearly impossible to be in a similar situation. To be aware of a mass extermination of a race or culture---the Jewish people, and look the other way! And then to watch those who tried to save the Jewish people also suffer the same fate, death and worse! It is an incredible, horrific thing! Surely, we are more humane in our day! SURELY there are NO such crimes against humanity now! OR are there? YES, there are! AND, it is incumbent upon us to be as valiant and vigilant in standing up and being counted as one against such brutality. YOU may ask, where are such crimes being committed? Right here in our nation, every day. Thousands upon thousands of UNBORN children are being slaughtered DAILY! And, yes, there are nations who are yet dealing with ethnic cleansings as well. BUT, here, right here in our land, we are tolerating, and allowing the mass executions of those who can NOT defend themselves, can not even speak out against their executioners.

I do NOT support violence as a means of putting an end to this horrific crime against the unborn. The Vigilante killing of those who are killing the unborn is not the answer. We must do more to put an end to the tragedy. BUT we must begin with our youth. It is not enough to legislate against abortion. We must destroy the desire to dismiss so cavalierly the life of the unborn. We must teach our children the sanctity of life and teach them to value life from the moment of conception. To be true to the only code of happiness that also is the only course of true happiness, CHASTITY! May we end the holocaust of our day, may we have the courage and the strength to be found on the side of honor and courage and may we each choose to make a difference. I believe we will likewise be held accountable for our actions in this war upon the unborn. May we all fulfill our part well, that when we are called home, we will not be ashamed that we did not do all that we could.

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