Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Growing up, there were some stories that my Mother read to us, that truly had a profound effect on me and shaped forever, the way I look at life. I wish that I could cut and paste a couple of those stories right here! Perhaps I can find them and do just that. I will start with one of my favorite poems. My mother had me use this poem when giving a talk. I think I was maybe 7 or 8 years old at the time! I wish I could remember the entire poem, but, here is what I do remember.....

IT is called MY TODAY by Mabel F. Ricard---

I have no other day than this;
Oh Father grant I shall not miss
The service sweet of doing good,
And living truly as I should.

Oh Father, in this day that's mine,
Let all thy sweetness through me shine
Let all my ways acknowledge Thee,
May Christ be manifest in me.

Oh, let me be Thy voice to speak
The truth to those who vainly seek;
And through me let Thy LOVE o'erflow
To all the world that needs it so.

Oh! let today be this for me,
A day of glorifying Thee.
'Tis all the day that my soul knows;
'Tis from today tomorrow grows.

So, for today, this is my prayer,
Tomorrow, Lord, is in Thy care.

It was this poem that did begin my quest to be HIS HANDS! I did truly want to have all those that interacted with me, see HIS image in MY countenance!

I also remember a story from, I believe it was the Instructor. IT was about an elderly gentleman who was in need of low cost--to no cost housing as close to a medical facility as possible. You see, he was scheduled to receive a battery of treatments and could not afford to be commuting daily to the Hospital. He began to solicit housing from those across the street from the Medical complex. He offered to do household chores and assist in child-care in lieu of cash payments for room and board. He stated that he did NOT require much in the way of food nor did he need a private room. He would be happy to rest on a porch or a couch. After a very discouraging multiple attempts, a woman with several children, took pity on the poor man and allowed him to use their home during the treatments. As it turned out, the man was required to return on several different occasions to complete additional rounds of treatment. At first, the children in this kind family were frightened. You see, he was horribly disfigured and yet, he did have a kind face. SO, as the days went by, it was his grand and sensitive nature, his kind and benevolent manner that endeared him to this family. Very soon, they no longer saw his disfigured frame, but instead, could only see the beauty of his grand and noble spirit. He became a true member of their family, loved and cherished!

When his next battery of treatments would begin, he returned and brought token gifts, such that he could afford and showed in word and deed, his deep gratitude for this family's willingness to provide lodging, food, and eventually, a loving family unit of which he soon became an integral part. One day, a neighbor was visiting. She caught sight of their unusual guest and gasped. The woman noticed and inquired as to what would cause her neighbor to react so. Her neighbor stated vehemently that they too had had that "hideous creature" come to their door, and they quickly turned him away! Seizing a teaching moment, this wise woman picked up a potted rose. Unfortunately, the pot was broken, the paint was chipped and it was truly a most UGLY pot! She said, "My dear friend, wouldn't you expect me to place this stunning rose in a more fitting pot?" Her friend quickly agreed and asked eagerly, if that was her plan! TO re-pot the rose right now! BUT, the mother said, "YOU know, on second thought, I do not think that I will!" This disturbed the neighbor and she said, "Oh, come on, don't you want a more fitting pot for such a magnificent rose?!" The mother said, " NO! In fact, the contrast reminds me of our guest!" Puzzled, the neighbor inquired why! And, wisely the mother said, " You know, I believe that our guest is exactly as this rose. Heavenly Father in HIS vast wisdom said, "We will place this magnificent spirit in a broken body, he will not mind, for he will know that it is only for this life that he will be so disfigured and unattractive. IN the eternities, his beauty will truly be stunning and all who see him will marvel! BUT, now, I know he will not mind being placed in this broken pot/body!" She then went on to explain all the joy that he had brought, totally unexpectedly to their family! HOW in his greatness of spirit and charity, he had taught the children to love unconditionally and to see past the outward appearance, and on into the heart!

I have loved that story from the first day that my mother read it to me. I have often thought of that principle and I have tested it out for myself. I have found it to be true! I have known MANY of those that this world would shun, would cast out and mock, ridicule and destroy, simply because they are NOT one of God's more beautifully created outwardly stunning individuals! But, as I have grown to know and love them, I have found that they possessed a greatness and true beauty that others, that this world would honor and revere as beautiful; rarely do possess. Isn't it amazing how truly deceiving looking on the outward appearance can be! How important it is for us to strive to be truly GOD-like and BEAUTIFUL in our actions, our thoughts, our deeds, our desires and our motives! From the first time I heard this story, I have striven to become far more beautiful inside----I have cared more about my countenance than my appearance. And, over the years, whatever youthful beauty has LONG SINCE faded and fled! All that does remain, in the end, is what we have created of OUR SOULS! I pray every day that I may inwardly be more and more like that man! and our Savior. And that HIS IMAGE WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND IN MY COUNTENANCE!

1 comment:

Kris said...

I love this story. And your comments are spot on! Outside beauty doesn't relate to what's inside at all.